Sustainable Innovation Mechanisms

Towards Future Smart Specialisation in Cross-Sectoral Cooperation. Exploitation Strategy & Action Plan for Sustainable Innovation Mechanisms

As part of CTCC goals, we facilitate innovation development process in Green and Blue Economy SMEs, in which creative and traditional sector are involved: a) maritime transport & shipbuilding; b) green (renewable) energy production (offshore wind energy, biofuels, biogas); and c) maritime tourism (yachting, marinas and cruising infrastructure. We have planned a 5-Year Strategy  in which we are implementing  4 Mechanisms, which are labelled as: Yearly CTCC Contest, University-Business Partnership ,Triple-Helix Training Programme, and Cross-border Competence Mobility Centre). For each mechanism, our CTCC Partners have provided information so as to explain what the purpose/value is, what objective(s) are being focused on, which actions are to be taken. In addition, each CTCC partner identifies what is to be measured and how it is to be evaluated by employing measure indicators. We identify risks & assumptions and explain their impact.

The CTCC platform that will function beyond the project life and will add value in the sense that it will provide the following:

  1. Merge creative brokers (”the WHO“ are able to provide knowledge & expertise);
  2. Provide value added – (”the WHAT“, developing any kind of innovation, e.g. prototypes; providing capacity building for SMEs (trainings, workshops, contests, retraining programmes, student theses’ topics, courses integrated in university curricula, etc.
  3. Bring all affected together – (”the HOW“), open, free of charge network & platform. When it comes to cross-sectoral innovation or cross-innovation, it is the first place to meet.
  4. Provide space and capacity for future transformation (”the WHEN) – regularly events beyond the CTCC project life, our platform, with open contests, entrepreneurship contest, etc.
Choose a mechanism:
Choose a partner:

These are the results from choosing mechanism and partner:

Purpose & Value Generation

1) To become cross-sectoral innovation host and hub in 2021-2025: CTCC – Creativity as the Next Sustainable Competitive Advantage"".
2) To attract & recognise new talents to the region by means of the contest.
3) To attract more students to Wismar as a hub for entrepreneurial studies and competitive mindset building through contest organisation
3) Cooperation with worldknown experts will increase Wismar's and regional visibility on the national & international levels.
1) Since digitalisation is already part of Creative Industries, cross-sectoral collaboration will facilitate digital transformation in SMEs. Digialisation is one of the key Smart Specialisation priority areas in the region.
2) Creative industries per se aim at delivering user, environmentally friendly and socially acceptable solutions. In that cross-sectoral cooperation will support development of demanded products in the region.

Specific Objectives

1) Organise the 1st (Sept-Oct 2021) and the last 5th (May-June 2025) Entrepreneurship Contest in the frame of 5-year Strategy Exploitation.
2) To attract min. 50 regional SMEs to the yearly contest, thus increasing innovation capacity of local SME.
3) Increase HSW visibility & number of public-private partnerships with participating SMEs;
4) Submit a follow-up application of valorisation of creative potential for the traditional sector in the light of the European Green Dea and related regulations (1st + 2nd call in BSR, SB & Central Europe Interreg Programmes by 2021-2023);
5) Integrate Entrepreneurship Contest into regular yearly university events, e.g. WIWITA, Job Exchange (Spring Term).

Specific Actions

1) Develop a brochure in German language showing the value of cross-sectoral collaboration from the CTCC project to distribute to potential local / regional SMEs by end of May 2021.
2) Implement peer-to-peer interviews with city admistration, port of Wismar, Chamber of Commerce to ensure SMEs engagement for cross-sectoral cooperation by the end of June 2021.
3) Mapping current and future trends for cross-sectoral innovation development (a) visiting min. 3 international conferences (US, Australia, UK in 2021-2023) to ensure expertise, who will support implementation on the regional level; b) visiting min. 3 thematic European events (organised by DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMES; DG RTD; European Maritime Day); c) visiting min. 3 macro-regional events (BSR Annual Forums, Annual Conferences of Interreg Programmes 2021-2025); d) implementing min. 15 interviews with local / regional traditional sector SMEs (using technology parks' networks) by August 2021.
4) Imlementing Entrepreneurship Contest praparatory actions (e.g. engaging keynote speakers; ensuring SMEs participation; find locations, concluding contracts, etc.)
5) Implementing and evaluating 2 Entrepreneurship Contests (May 2021 & June 2025) at the own premises & using own resources (or attracting external ones).
6) Contest implementation in line with annual Kreatopia on regional level - CTCC session with awards, pitches and evaluations.

Specific Measures

1) 1 Brochure developed by the 31st of May 2021 at the latest (1 digital format uploaded on a) CTCC platform (; b) University main landing page; c) EPC website; c) CTCC Facebook.
2) Min. 5 interviews implemented (top & medium management level) with the affected stakeholders (policy level – city administration; business level – marine business companies; intermediary level – technology parks).
3) Trend Mapping organised in a form or 9 outputs: a) study visits; b) participation in conferences & workshops; c) gathered 15 interviews on local / regional level.
4) Report & documentation of the preparatory actions implementation (who has done what, when, by who, for what purpose and with what expectations).
5) Reports of 2 implemented Entrepreneurship Contests incl. visual, administrative & financial evaluation reports.
6) Applying for local / regional financial support for contest implementation (e.g. 2 keynote speaakers costs, catering costs).

Measure Indicators

1) Number of digital & printed brochures distributed and SMEs contacted.
2) Mn. 5 interview reports.
3) 9 meeting reports, incl. visualisation, pictures, participant lists, etc.
4) 2 reports regarding 2 Entrepreneurship Contest preparation.
5) 2 reports on the follow-up of the Entrepreneurship Contests (what is the value added; what has been achieved; what was good / bad; insights for the future.
6) Number of creative brokers engaged into the contest

Risks & Assumptions

1) SMEs are not intersted in cooperation – reaching out them via strong emotional bonds , e.g. their engagement in already established links / networks, e.g. via Chamber of Commerces.
2) No availability of resources for the implementation of the Entrepreneruship Contest (risk reduced by means of access to the Interreg Seed Money resources (2021); national & regional resources.
3) Travelling might still be jeopardised as a result of corona pandemic – participation in online events; utilisation of group work on LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.
4) All engagement parties in the implementation of the Entrepreneurship Contest must share storage sources or have ability to join the shared resources for reporting. This needs institutional adjustments and is time-consuming.
5) Once compliance with all regulation is ensured, the information will be published following the Entrepreneurship Contest implementation.
6) HSW has infrastructure & capacity (humn and institutional) to implement this contest, e.g. 3 Creative Brokers, space, experts moderating / implementing contest.

Purpose & Value Generation

1) To increase the importance of cross-sectoral innovation (creative-traditional businesses) in the academic / research setting in 2021-2025

Specific Objectives

1) CTCC Creative Broker Platform is integrated into the PP1 website (European Project Center) by 31th Dec 2020, where students can get access to the platform and see what topics are proposed for the thesis writing / project weeks

Specific Actions

1) Cooperation with IT department to integrate Platform from CTCC to E-Learning platform of the university
2) Offering supervision by Creative Brokers from Wismar University for thesis in the particular fied

Specific Measures

1) Minimum one thesis / project report development by a student in cooperation with supervisors from Creative Broker Network per semester
2) Dissemination of report / thesis via CTCC channels (Facebook and website)

Measure Indicators

1) Thesis document / project report

Risks & Assumptions

1) Engaging students to include the concept of innovation design, Design Thinking, etc. into a thesis / project report is challenging if no experiences exist already
2) Integration of external Creative Brokers can be rejected by the university

Purpose & Value Generation

1) To increase the knowledge and capacity of HR in Innovation

1) Rising awareness of designing innovation as a process in a company
2) Students already increase knowledge and open mindset before they are entering the labour market and SMEs

Specific Objectives

1) CTCC Workshop / Training methodology will be transferred to chosen teaching course at the university
2) CTCC Online Curse will be introduced and used as key part of (online) teaching courses
3) CTCC Online Course will be offered on univerist ylearning platfrom to increase knowledge and allow studetns to achieve certification for upgrading their CVs before entering the labour market after studies

Specific Actions

1) Training Methodology will be adjusted and transferred to students specific needs and knowledge by Creative Brokers
2) Training Content will be edited to be a stand-alone lecture (90min) in a curricula or as guest-speaker lessons
3) Due to the transfer of teaching to online classes at university, CTCC Online Course will be integrated easily to the lessons as mentioned under 1) and 2)
4) IT specific activities to include the Online Course to the E-Learning platform including certification process for students

Specific Measures

1) One lecture each semester based on the CTCC training methodology
2) Number of passing students for online course including certification

Measure Indicators

1) Presentation files of lessons and visual documentation
2) Number of signed and submitted certificates to students (at least 5 per semester)

Risks & Assumptions

1) Low participation of students in Online Course due to decreasing promotion activities by the consoirtum
2) High diversity of online capacity building offers for students - high competition
3) It might be challenging to cooperate with responsible persons (mostly professors) for implementing CTCC content to their curricula or being invited as guest-speaker

Purpose & Value Generation

1) To set up a competence center for designing innovation at the European Project Center (EPC) as part of University of Applied Sciences Wismar

1) Facilitator for transnational and interdisciplinary cooperation for regional companies - reducing their obstacles for internationalisation

Specific Objectives

1) EPC acts as contact point for regional SMEs and stakeholders for innovative and sustainable development as well as international cooperation of Creative and Traditional Sector
2) Fostering future cross-border and interdisciplinary cooperation of SMEs and Creative by incorporating regional and local authorities such as Chambers of Commerce, Business Support Organisation and political level

Specific Actions

1) Dissemination and marketing of CTCC project results with strong focus on regional SMEs to further rise attention and awareness of the topic
2) Developing an own strategy for EPC to fill in the position of a contact point
3) Using synergies with other running project to get involved with regional SMEs, political level and authorities
4) Participation and Representation in regional events (online and physical)
5) Sharing knowledge with Chambers of Commernce and Business Support Organisation as facilitators to the regional SME network

Specific Measures

1) Press releases with EPC as contact point for international cross-border cooperation
2) Strategy Guide to be developed and pubklished on institutional website
3) Using and referring to CTCC results in line with other INTERREG project such as Connect2SmallPorts

Measure Indicators

1) Monthly press release via social media and website with focus on EPC as competence center and facilitator
2) News and press releases via other projects to create synergies
3) Incorporating CTCC sessions to other project events at least once a year

Risks & Assumptions

1) Regional SMEs mainly use Chambers of Commerce to search for cooperation possibilities, therefore, it is important to address close cooperation with the chambers
2) Interreg projects will close in the next year, new call / new projects are not ensured at this moment to be used for keeping the results sustainable

Purpose & Value Generation

purpose: 1. to keep the findings and creative outputs of the CTCC project alive
2. to connect aspiring SME's and stakeholders from different sectors (e.g. creative industry, blue economy) and chains of value for the use of synergies
3. to give young entrepreneurs and creative start-ups a unique stage to present their ideas and visions to investors and target audience
4. to present the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to the public as a creative hub and innovation-driven region :-)
5. to further maintain and cultivate contacts with regional business partners, CTCC partnership and local authorities

Specific Objectives

1. we have in mind to use the annual business event "MV-Gründergarten" to integrate the CTCC entrepreneurship contest
2. the key issues addressed could be: meeting - networking - gaining experiences
3. what is possible? about ten regional start-ups/ young founders would have the opportunity to present their products/services/business ideas to the public and potential investors in the frame of a pitch contest

Specific Actions

1. the best ideas and presentations will be awarded by a jury
2. the entrepreneurship contest will be accompanied by keynote speeches, a panel discussion on an up-to-date business topic as well as a small thematic workshop for the young regional entrepreneurs on topics such as "networking and cooperation", "business plan and finance", "business etiquette for start-ups" etc.
3. these training sessions will be led and moderated by renowned experts and established entrepreneurs
4. Beyond, the "MV-Gründergarten" is intended to provide a unique ecosystem for establishing and strengthen contacts, pool resources and exchange ideas due to the presence of many stakeholders
5. the event will be aimed at fostering young entrepreneurs and making the CTCC project more sustainable

Specific Measures

1. support in organising and implementing the entrepreneurship contest
2. taking part in preparatory activities on a regional level
3. dissemination of promotion and information material related to the contest
4. preparing/attracting young entrepreneurs and potential SME's to take part in the entrepreneurship contest

Measure Indicators

1. number of participants/SME's involved in a preparatory pitch training
2. number of participants/SME's from our region involved in the contest
3. number of distributed promotional material (brochures and leaflets)
4. digital dissemination: number of emails, website posts and posts in social media channels related to the contest

Risks & Assumptions

1. lack of the necessary financial and personal resources to realise the planned activities in a proper and effective way
2. due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions an alternative online/digital solution for the contest should be taken into account
3. integration of entrepreneurship contest into other regional business events seems to be a practical solution to bundle resources, safe time and reduce costs

Purpose & Value Generation

purpose: 1. we can try to initiate collaboration between the Design School Schwerin/young designers and interested regional entrepreneurs
2. we can contact the "Design School Schwerin" and inform them about CTCC project developed knowledge pool and benefits for students and prospective designers
3. we can act as a point of contact and dynamic multiplier for the Design School Schwerin regarding cross-sectoral collaborations and creative events

Specific Objectives

1. creates more awareness among regional SME's and enterprises located at TGZ Schwerin/Wismar for the design school as a creative hub/innovation provider on site
2. could help to generate creative Know-how/capability useable for regional entrepreneurship
3. could contribute to more innovative design solutions used by SME's and entrepreneurship

Specific Actions

1. together with associated partners we can act as a multiplier to universities/regional science centers/technology parks regarding cross-sectoral collaboration and partnerships
2. we can promote the knowledge tools developed during the CTCC project lifetime to universities and students, e.g. possibility to exploit these tools for doctoral theses on cross-sectoral/smart specialization topics
3. we can inform about the developed capacity-building courses and their benefits on regional conferences, e.g. at "MV-Gründergarten"

Specific Measures

1. we will encourage fitting SME's and entrepreneurs to engage and cooperate with regional universities and institutes in the cross-innovation sector
2. we can facilitate the main contributors of this sustainable mechanism in necessary activities
3. we can initiate talks and small meetings between entrepreneurs and students/postgraduates

Measure Indicators

1. number of physical/digital meetings organized
2. list of participants that took part in meetings + picture documentation of the event
3. number of cross-innovation partnerships initiated

Risks & Assumptions

1. SME's are not interested in this sort of partnership because of established and functioning networks as well as their own long-term collaborations
2. lack of the necessary financial and personal resources to realise this activity in an effective way
3. universities can have their own, more successful approaches to set up cross-innovation cooperation with regional SME's

Purpose & Value Generation

purpose: 1. to create awareness for the interactions between academia (universities), industry and government
2. participants/stakeholders get familiar with the developed training programme as well as with the economic and social value of triple-helix-model

Specific Objectives

1. strengthen the knowledge of entrepreneurs from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania concerning cross-sectoral innovation, prototyping processes and intermediary institutions
2. building up awareness for triple-helix-model and CTCC capacity building programme (i.e. online course and prototyping tools)

Specific Actions

1. promotion of online course and digital prototyping tools prepared during CTCC project lifetime
2. encourage and invite young entrepreneurs, start-ups and creative players from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to participate in the online course
3. using the digital training material to organize training sessions and workshops for companies and institutions from our region

Specific Measures

1. training programme/online course prepared by BTH that is available to all partners...
2. possibility to use the developed training programme in other projects and activities

Measure Indicators

1. number of participants that took part in an online course and have been awarded by a certificate
2. number of training sessions and workshops held

Risks & Assumptions

1. there are a lot of online training courses, what makes our training course particularly valuable/unique?
2. what are the benefits for the participants (free of charge? receiving a CTCC certificate? is there any reputation behind CTCC certificate?) and what is our unique selling point?

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: 1. being a contact and service point for traditional SME's/enterprises and creative industry interested in cross-sectoral activities
2. competence centers are aiming at developing and providing the knowledge essential for prototyping and interdisciplinary activities
3. promoting/offering a combination of competencies and cross-sectoral activities: offering coaching, data sets, reports and business contacts, providing expertises gained during the project lifetime and beyond

Specific Objectives

1. SME's/companies can be accompanied and advised by our organisation/by creative brokers in the idea-finding/innovation and prototyping process
2. monitoring future trends and market developments in the area of cross-sectoral cooperation/innovation
3. share knowledge and good models on innovation and prototyping processes
4. facilitate the search for fitting collaboration partners beyond borders and sectors

Specific Actions

1. we can establish a competence center by creating a sub-section/sub-page on our website with pictures and relevant information on contact people/creative brokers and the services provided
2. we can offer meetings and consultations (physical and online) with traditional SME's and creative actors interested in collaboration with stakeholders from different sectors, regions, chains of value
3. we can host an information event/open day (e.g. B2B breakfast) once per year as part of our cooperation with the Technology park Schwerin/Wismar (TGZ), specific date and venue to be confirmed

Specific Measures

1. reports/posts of events and activities facilitated and conducted by the regional competence mobility centers on CTCC website
2. report and documentation of implemented events and actions, e.g. about B2B breakfast sessions

Measure Indicators

1. number of enquiries addressed to the competence mobility center
2. consultations/talks (physical or online/remote) held with clients and stakeholders
3. candidates that would like to join the CTCC network/consortium after contacting the competence center

Risks & Assumptions

1. a strategic agenda/action plan for the competence mobility centers could be good (what exactly are the tasks of those institutions?)
2. lack of the necessary financial and personal resources to realise this activity in an efficient way

Purpose & Value Generation

foster cross-innovation and cocreative innovation processes, show other SMEs the beneficial and future- and agile aspects of cross-innovation, strengthen creative mindset

Specific Objectives

show Mecklenburg West-Pomerania as an innovative and future-oriented region within Germany and thus challenge the "bad reputation" concerning economical development, stregthen confidence in inoovation and networking within regional SMEs

Specific Actions

1.) host a yearly mini-contest where regional SMEs can pitch prototypes or ideas for innovations they want to further develope on cooperation with the creative sector. The best ideas might then be matched with experts from the creative broker network or regional creative SMEs and freelancers. This might be inplemented in the programme of the yearly KREATOPIA conference which takes place each fall in Rostock in Cooperation with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Rostock

Specific Measures

1.) Reach potential contestants via the dissimination and promotional material provided as an output of the CTCC project (e.g. mini-booklet) and via regional networks (e.g. Chamber of Industry and Commerce Rostock)
2.) mini-contest during the KREATOPIA conference where potential cross-innovation prototype ideas can be pitched
3.) Match the winners with the creative broker newtork or suitable creative SMEs and freelancers and further their cooperation by presenting suitable innovation-formats (e.g. tools that were developed in the CTCC project)
4.) Let them document their journey or conduct short intervies on the progress on a 3-months basis

Measure Indicators

1.) Number of people reached or applications
2.) Number of contestants and participating creative SMEs and freelancers
3.) To what extend do all parties involved feel content with their matching? (e.g. survey or interview)
4.) Number and quality of successfully implemented innovation-proccesses and prototypes (e.g. survey or interview)

Risks & Assumptions

- lack of interest from the potential contestants
- lack of ressources (especially money and time) in order to further develop the pitched ideas and prototypes in cooperation with creative boosters
- potentially still existing consequential damage resulting from the influence of COVID-19

Purpose & Value Generation

networking effect and ongoing cooperation bewteen our existing creative and traditional networks and regional universities in order to use innovative potential

Specific Objectives

this results in a win-win-situation: traditional SMEs get in contact with creative boosters that are up-to-date concerning their education, students get the chance to work on real challenges and are able to establish first professional contacts which might result in an ongoing cooperation

Specific Actions

1.) We worked with the "Designakademie Rostock" during our CTCC prototyping process, this might work as a template for future cooperations
2.) Ongoing cooperation with the University Wismar (during the CTCC prototyping proccess one of their architecture students participated and got ECTS points for her studies) -> the implementation in university courses might be further stregthened (e.g. writing a thesis)
3.) Reach-out to the University of Music & Theatre in Rostock
4.) We offer external expertise for university courses (e.g. design thinking workshops)

Specific Measures

1.) Relevant partners: Design Academy Rostock, University of Wismar, University of Music & Theratre in Rostock, University Rostock
2.) Formalisation of ECTS Accreditation (e.g. for workshops, thesis)
3.) Conceptualisation of workshops

Measure Indicators

1.)how many universities are interested in a cooperation? How many engage?
2.) How many workshops are realised?
3.) How many students get ECTS connected to CTCC workshops or are involved in prototyping processes?

Risks & Assumptions

- lack of interest from the potential universities and/or students
- lack of ressources (especially time)
- potentially still existing consequential damage resulting from the influence of COVID-19 (e.g. digital formats in the universities)

Purpose & Value Generation

increase the capacity of co-creation and cross-innovation in the region

Specific Objectives

further the visibilty and accessibilty of existing potentials and formats

Specific Actions

1.) facilitating workshops using existing tools (e.g CTCC creative audit tool)

Specific Measures

1.) e.g. online tool (e.g. CTCC creative audit tool or tool for tailor-made-business models) that is accessibile as a first-glance in cross-innovation for everybody

Measure Indicators

1.) number of downloads of the tools

Risks & Assumptions

1.) maybe SMEs need a more individual and one-on-one coaching

Purpose & Value Generation

implementation of competence centers as a contact point for cross-innovation

Specific Objectives

SMEs that are interested, but do not know much about cross-innovation yet, get a first contact and network

Specific Actions

1.) Further Cooperation with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (associated partner during the CTCC project) as a multiplicator to regional SME networks
2.) Knowledge transfer (curriculum/workshops)

Specific Measures

1.) formalisation and institionalisation of the CTCC creative broker network
2.) basic keynotes, workshops or best-practice panels as a first input (e.g. during the KREATOPIA conference)
3.) ongoing workshops for SMEs who want to deep-dive into cross-innovation
4.) fint as external expertise

Measure Indicators

1.) successfull implementation of the creative broker network
2.) number of participants in the creative broker network
3.) number of participants in keynotes and workshops

Risks & Assumptions

1.) we might benefit from the existing network of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Purpose & Value Generation

Creative and entrepreneurial mindset in the region

Specific Objectives

Promoting partnership among business and creative/culture sector in the region

Specific Actions

Revitalisation od awards LONGS - award for business company for collaboration with culture/creative players.

Specific Measures

Annual award event (regional)

Measure Indicators

Munber of nominated companies

Risks & Assumptions

Promotion campaign during whole year would ensure sufficient number of applications

Purpose & Value Generation

More effective management of local resources and development of sustainable food systems

Specific Objectives

Traditional food companies become more motivated and engaged in innovations in food sector

Specific Actions

Development of Municipality food strategy engaging traditional businesses in food sector and creative sector and Lithuanian Agricultural Academy and Kaunas Technology University Food Inctitute.

Specific Measures

Regional meetings and round tables; Study vist to `DK, webinars with municipalities from DK which have food strategies

Measure Indicators

Number of stakeholderes involved

Risks & Assumptions

Risk is that local polititians are reluctant regarding disruptive new ideas and processes

Purpose & Value Generation

Increase innovation capacity in the region, based on co-creation approach

Specific Objectives

Increased competences of business companies in the region

Specific Actions

1) Promotion of online course and digital prototyping tools prepared during CTCC project lifetime.
2) Encourage and invite young entrepreneurs, start-ups and creative players from Rietavas and Telsiai region to participate in the online course.
3) using the digital training material to organize training sessions and workshops for companies and institutions from our region.

Specific Measures

Promotion of online training course; local/regional Trainings/workshops

Measure Indicators

Number of business companies that have participated

Risks & Assumptions

A lot of online training offers; Low interest and limited time of business companies

Purpose & Value Generation

Proactive region exchanging best practices in Europe and world

Specific Objectives

To ensure that the best scientific achievements and practicies are accessible and used in the region

Specific Actions

International crioss-sectorial approach based conferences, seminars and workshops

Specific Measures

New cross-border cooperation projects applications

Measure Indicators

Number of applications; number of themes; Number of partrners

Risks & Assumptions

Low competence of local/regional organisations on cross-border collaboration. Project applications are not funded.

Purpose & Value Generation

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Specific Objectives

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Specific Actions

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Specific Measures

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Measure Indicators

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Risks & Assumptions

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Purpose & Value Generation

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Specific Objectives

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Specific Actions

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Specific Measures

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Measure Indicators

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Risks & Assumptions

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Purpose & Value Generation

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Specific Objectives

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Specific Actions

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Specific Measures

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Measure Indicators

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Risks & Assumptions

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Purpose & Value Generation

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Specific Objectives

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Specific Actions

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Specific Measures

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Measure Indicators

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Risks & Assumptions

Together with: Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: Connecting companies from different sectors. During Yearly Entrepreneurship Contest (eg.Hackathon/Portathon) representatives of companies will develop joint prototypes in product, service or process field. They will also take part in integrated new educational and training course on creative entrepreneurship.;
Value: Promotion of cross sectoral cooperation

Specific Objectives

To attract min. 30 regional SMEs to the yearly contest (Hackathon/Portathon), thus increasing innovation capacity of local SME. During contest SMEs will work on ideas of prototype: products / services / business models or improvement of organizational solutions. They will also take part in integrated new educational and training course on creative entrepreneurship.

Specific Actions

1) KSTP will be the main organizer of Yarly Enterpreneurship Contest. To implementt this activity we will invite partners from CTCC project and other projects, asociated partners. The priority of participants / companies will represent the blue and green sectors, such as shipbuilding and repair, biotechnology, renewable energy, tourism, etc. 2)Dissemination of leaflets and all needed information connected with contest.

Specific Measures

1) No. of contest - 5 (1 per year); 2) No. of created prototype ideas - minimum 5; 3) No. of attracted SMEs representatives - minimum 50;

Measure Indicators

1) Number of involved SMEs form Lithuania (Klaipeda region) and BSR.
2) Number of prepared promotional posts in social media and at our website - 5 per each contest (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook and webpage).

Risks & Assumptions

1) SMEs are not intersted in cooperation, brainstorming new prototypes and workshops; 2) Lack of financial recourses for the implementation of the Entrepreneurship Contest. 3) Travelling might still be difficult becouse of corona pandemic – participation in online events or hybrid (combined) contest.

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: Designing changes for different environments and communities:
1) KSTP can be a contact platform
2) Universities as factories for business ideas

Specific Objectives

To increase the visibility of KSTP and encourage partnerships between academia and companies so as to provide a space for testing and developing concepts within creative ideas for business. Propose to Klaipeda University to integrate CTCC Creative Broker Platform into their website where students could get access to the platform and see what topics are proposed for the thesis writing / project weeks

Specific Actions

1) Cooperation with IT and Communication departments at Klaipeda University with the aim to integrate Platform from CTCC to the E-Learning platform of the university. 2) To offer supervision by Creative Brokers from KSTP for a thesis in a particular field. 3) KSTP will seek funding for projects in national and international partnerships. In the case of received funding for projects, the expansion of university-business cooperation is possible.

Specific Measures

1) KSTP will try to engage minimum one thesis development by a student in cooperation with supervisors from Creative Broker Network per year. 2) Dissemination of thesis via CTCC channels (Facebook, website).

Measure Indicators

Thesis document; Number of meetings students with entrepreneurs / creative broker

Risks & Assumptions

1) Engaging students to include the concept of innovation design, Design Thinking, etc. into a thesis report is challenging if no experiences exist already. 2) Integration of external Creative Brokers can be rejected by the university. 3) Risk of a lack of financing from external funds. 4) The current pandemic assumes a high risk of live meetings and activities will have to be carried out only online, which is not always convenient and efective.

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: The relationships between Universities, Policy and Industry which is used in Training Programme.

Value: Participants of training will learn from professionals. Rising awareness of designing innovations as a process.

Specific Objectives

1) CTCC Online Course will be offered as a teaching course at the university and art academy 2) TCC Online Course will be introduced / presented as a key part of (online) teaching courses

Specific Actions

1) Promotion of online course and digital prototyping tools prepared during CTCC project lifetime.
2) Encourage and invite young entrepreneurs, start-ups and creative players from Klaipeda region to participate in the online course.
3) using the digital training material to organize training sessions and workshops for companies and institutions from our region.

Specific Measures

1) One training program – online course prepared by BTH which all partners can use.
2) Using different projects as an opportunity to organize online, phisical or hybrid trainings, workshops based on materials prepared duting CTCC project.

Measure Indicators

1) Number of participants who took part in online course
2) Number of participants who took part in online, phisical or hybrid training / workshop

Risks & Assumptions

1) Low interest of participation of students in Online Course. 2) High diversity of online capacity building offers for students - high competition 3) It might be challenging to cooperate with responsible persons (mostly professors) for implementing CTCC content to their curricula. 4) Risk of lack of financing to prepare phisical or hybrid training/workshop.

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: Spreading information and knowledge obtained during the project in local institutions cooperating with companies and among other projects partners
Value: reducing obstacles for the internationalization of regional companies. Spreading knowledge gained during international workshops on regional level.

Specific Objectives

1) KSTP supports SMEs in the process of innovation and match them with other companies or with Creative Brokers. We can act as contact point for regional SMEs and stakeholders for innovative and sustainable development as well as international cooperation of Creative and Traditional Sector
2) Fostering future cross-border and interdisciplinary cooperation of SMEs and Creative by incorporating regional and local authorities such as Chambers of Commerce, Business Support Organisation and political level

Specific Actions

1) Meetings with companies interested in cooperation with SMEs form the same or different sectors, regions, chain of values. 2) Organizing Business Breakfast meetings once per year for 5 years as part of cooperation with Lithuanian Maritime Cluster or KUFA (Klaipeda Culture Factory). 3) Creating additional section on KSTP website about Competence Center and Creative Brokers.

Specific Measures

1)Promotional posts of events and activities facilitated and conducted by the regional competence mobility centers on CTCC and KSTP website and social media chanells.
2) report and documentation of implemented events and actions, e.g. about B2B breakfast sessions

Measure Indicators

1) No. of meetings. 2) No. of SMEs which come to competence center.

Risks & Assumptions

1) low interest of SMEs. 2) Partners may refuse to cooperate. 3) Risk connected with COVID-19, that people will be afraid to come to competence centers or each institution will be lock down.

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: Connecting companies from different sectors. During Yearly Entrepreneurship Contest representatives of companies will develop joint prototypes in product, service or process field. They will also take part in integrated new educational and training course on creative entrepreneurship.; Value: promotion of cross sectoral coopetation

Specific Objectives

Involving at least 5 entrepreneurs to participate in the contest. During contest SMEs will work on ideas of prototype: products / services / business models or improvement of organizational solutions. They will also take part in integrated new educational and training course on creative entrepreneurship.

Specific Actions

Media Dizjan will help for other partners to prepare Yearly Contest. Promotion and invitation of companies from West Pomerania to take part in Contest. Dissemination of leaflets and all needed information connected with contest.

Specific Measures

1) No. of contest - 5
2) No. of created prototype ideas - minimum 5

Measure Indicators

1) Number of involved SMEs form West Pomerania
2) Number of prepared promotional posts in social media and at our website - 4 per each contest

Risks & Assumptions

We need to remember about risk planning, e.g. COVID-19 and we should take into account three possible options: physical, online or hybrid (combined) contest.

Purpose & Value Generation

1) strengthening the relationship and collaboration and using each other resources to activate business and connect it with creative industry

Specific Objectives

1) initiating cooperation's with students and companies. Creating a development projects based on real cases provided by entrepreneurs.

Specific Actions

1) open call for companies on design challenges.
2) increasing the awareness of the companies that design driven innovations are create the competitive advantage

Specific Measures

1) Minimum one project created in cooperation with students.

Measure Indicators

1) project report

Risks & Assumptions

1) Engaging university depends on the agreement from bough sides.
2) Students are already overloaded with the amount of additional activities offered to them
3) Companies might not want to work with students and waste time to have not professional projects.

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: The relationships between Universities, Policy and Industry which is used in Training Programme.
Value: Participants of training will learn from professionals

Specific Objectives

Increasing the awareness and knowledge of entrepreneurs from West Pomerania regarding to innovation and creativity

Specific Actions

1) Promotion of online course prepared during project duration
2) Encourage and engage entrepreneurs from West Pomerania to participate in online course
3) Using materials to organize Training for companies form West Pomerania

Specific Measures

1) One training program – online course prepared by BTH which all partners can use
2) Using different projects as an opportunity to organize phisical training based on materials prepared duting CTCC project

Measure Indicators

1) Number of participants who took part in online course 60
2) Number of participants who took part in phisical training 20

Risks & Assumptions

1) Problems with internet connection
2) Risk of lack of financing to prepare phisical training

Purpose & Value Generation

1) in order to increase the level of services provide by PPNT Gdynia | Design Centre - Design Management - creating a international cooperation with experts.
2) Engaging experts for increasing knowledge of the methods and tools for the designers as well as the businesses.

1) Increasing the awareness that will benefits from international cooperation

Specific Objectives

1) Underlining PPNT Gdynia as a contact point for regional SMEs and stakeholders for innovative and sustainable development as well as international cooperation of Creative and Traditional Sector
2) Fostering future cross-border and interdisciplinary cooperation of SMEs and Creatives by incorporating regional and local authorities

Specific Actions

1) Dissemination and marketing of CTCC project results with strong focus on regional SMEs to further rise attention and awareness of the topic;
2) Using synergies with other running project to get involved with regional SMEs
3) Participation and Representation in regional events (online and physical)
4) Underlining the role as the regional SME network point

Specific Measures

1) Press releases with Design Centre as contact point for international cross-border cooperation
2) Strategy Guide to be developed and published on institutional website
3) Using and referring to CTCC results in line with other EU project

Measure Indicators

1) Monthly Newsletter sent to database sharing the info on becoming a competence centre and facilitator
2) News and press releases via other projects to create synergies
3) Incorporating CTCC sessions to other project events at least once a year

Risks & Assumptions

1) due to Pandemic of Covid 19 - more local strategies might be more effective;
2) less companies are willing to invest

Purpose & Value Generation

1) To become cross-sectoral innovation hub 2021-2025: The main area of innovation dedicated to reducing climate change effects.
2) To attract & recognise new talents to the region
3) Strengthening the relationship with Technical University and Academy of Arts in Gdańsk in order to increase knowledge in innovative entrepreneurship.
3) Using our biggest event - GDD in order to strengthen the visibility of the PPNT Gdynia as most innovative institution in region and Poland.
4) Cooperating with partners in order to provide companies that can attend the Yearly CTCC Contest.
1) Tri- city area is already a hub for innovation in technology where IT-related companies are creating new values for companies and create new digital solutions, services and business models. The innovation on this area is to create a digital solutions that will be less harmful for the environment.
2) Creativity as the Next Sustainable Competitive Advantage.

Specific Objectives

1) Continue organising events dedicated to exchanging the knowledge between creative and business sector. Design talks Business Summit organised yearly as business dedicated program within the Gdynia Design Days festival.
2) Creating a new service - Design Management within PPNT Gdynia | Design Centre that will be Consulting services for companies within the Pomerania region.
3) Cooperating with external experts in different fields of expertise.
4) applying for a new EU projects within the European Green Deal/ Renovation Wave.
5) implementing ideas based on New European Bauhaus and cooperating with other units to create new sustainable movement

Specific Actions

1) creating a Content showing good practices - hard copy or a digital version
2) Extending cooperation with city authorities in order to increase partnership and implement policy plans for cross sectoral innovations in strategy of the company.
3) Mapping current and future trends for cross-sectoral innovation development (a) visiting min. 5 international conferences (2021-2025) to ensure expertise, who will support implementation on the regional level; b) visiting min. 3 thematic European events; c) visiting min. regional events;
4) Organising min 4 Summits/Conferences showing good examples of cross sectoral innovations and sharing information about the Yearly CTCC Contest

Specific Measures

1) content uploaded on a) CTCC platform (; b) CDG web page c) CTCC/CDG Facebook d) PPNT Website and Social Media
2) Trend Mapping organised in a form or 9 outputs: a) study visits; b) participation in conferences & workshops;

Measure Indicators

1) Number of digital content distributed and SMEs contacted - min 1
2) rapports and reviews from visits - min 5
3) no of companies applications - 3

Risks & Assumptions

1) lower interest in investment within SMEs
2)Travelling might still be a straggle - in case of that the online events will be taken under consideration.

Purpose & Value Generation

1) strengthening the relationship and collaboration and using each other resources to activate business and connect it with creative industry

Specific Objectives

1) initiating cooperation's with students and companies. Creating a development projects based on real cases provided by entrepreneurs.

Specific Actions

1) open call for companies on design challenges.
2) increasing the awareness of the companies that design driven innovations are create the competitive advantage

Specific Measures

1) Minimum one project created in cooperation with students.

Measure Indicators

1) project report

Risks & Assumptions

1) Engaging university depends on the agreement from bough sides.
2) Students are already overloaded with the amount of additional activities offered to them
3) Companies might not want to work with students and waste time to have not professional projects.

Purpose & Value Generation

1) To increase the knowledge and capacity in Innovation
1) Rising awareness of designing innovation as a process in a company
2) preparing student to enter to the market - in relation to giving service to others as well as creating as understanding the market

Specific Objectives

1) Increasing the awareness of the impact that innovation can make in growing competitiveness.

Specific Actions

1) Promotion of online course prepared during project duration
2) Encourage and engage entrepreneurs from Pomerania to participate in online course
3) Using materials to organize Training for companies form Pomerania

Specific Measures

1) creating an organised recruitment based on our Newsletter databased - creating additional activities helping with going through the process. 2) The event should be with cooperation of Technical University and Fine Arts in Gdańsk.

Measure Indicators

1) increase the number of certificates

Risks & Assumptions

1) Low participation of Online Course due to overload of internet content caused by Pandemic
2) high competition
3) validity of the course will be decreasing quickly due to ambiguity of the world

Purpose & Value Generation

1) in order to increase the level of services provide by PPNT Gdynia | Design Centre - Design Management - creating a international cooperation with experts.
2) Engaging experts for increasing knowledge of the methods and tools for the designers as well as the businesses.

1) Increasing the awareness that will benefits from international cooperation

Specific Objectives

1) Underlining PPNT Gdynia as a contact point for regional SMEs and stakeholders for innovative and sustainable development as well as international cooperation of Creative and Traditional Sector
2) Fostering future cross-border and interdisciplinary cooperation of SMEs and Creatives by incorporating regional and local authorities

Specific Actions

1) Dissemination and marketing of CTCC project results with strong focus on regional SMEs to further rise attention and awareness of the topic;
2) Using synergies with other running project to get involved with regional SMEs
3) Participation and Representation in regional events (online and physical)
4) Underlining the role as the regional SME network point

Specific Measures

1) Press releases with Design Centre as contact point for international cross-border cooperation
2) Strategy Guide to be developed and published on institutional website
3) Using and referring to CTCC results in line with other EU project

Measure Indicators

1) Monthly Newsletter sent to database sharing the info on becoming a competence centre and facilitator
2) News and press releases via other projects to create synergies
3) Incorporating CTCC sessions to other project events at least once a year

Risks & Assumptions

1) due to Pandemic of Covid 19 - more local strategies might be more effective;
2) less companies are willing to invest

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: Connecting companies from different sectors. During Yearly Entrepreneurship Contest representatives of companies will develop joint prototypes in product, service or process field. They will also take part in integrated new educational and training course on creative entrepreneurship.;
Value: Promotion of creative and traditional sectors cooperation

Specific Objectives

Involving entrepreneurs to participate in the contest prepared by partners. During contest SMEs will work on ideas of prototype: products / services / business models or improvement of organizational solutions. They will also take part in integrated new educational and training course on creative entrepreneurship.

Specific Actions

Employees od Association will help for other partners to prepare Yearly Contest. We can invite companies from Warmia and Mazury to take part in Contest. We can take care of the promotion part of the event. Dissemination of leaflets and all needed information connected with contest.

Specific Measures

1) No. of contest - 5
2) No. of created prototype ideas - minimum 5

Measure Indicators

1) Number of involved SMEs form Warmia and Mazury
2) Number of prepared promotional posts in social media and at our website - 4 per each contest

Risks & Assumptions

We need to remember about risk planning, e.g. COVID-19 and we should take into account three possible options: physical, online or hybrid (combined) contest.

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: Designing changes for different environments and communities:
1) we can be a contact platform
2) Universities as factories for business ideas

Specific Objectives

It is primarily a space for testing and developing concepts within creative ideas for business.
Universities are a kind of brainstorming meetings within research clubs.

Specific Actions

Everything depends on receiving funding for projects - in national and international partnerships. Possible expansion of the areas of cooperation between universities and business.

Specific Measures

1) Association will try to engage companies to cooperate with local universities

Measure Indicators

Number of meetings students with entrepreneurs

Risks & Assumptions

1) Risk of lack of financing from external funds
2) The most valuable are live meetings when people can meet face to face. The current pandemic assumes a high risk of live meetings and activities will have to be carried out only on-line, which is not always convenient and fruitful.

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: The relationships between Universities, Policy and Industry which is used in Training Programme.
Value: Participants of training will learn from professionals

Specific Objectives

Increasing the awareness and knowledge of entrepreneurs from Warmia and Mazury regarding to innovation and creativity

Specific Actions

1) Promotion of online course prepared during project duration
2) Encourage and engage entrepreneurs from Warmia and Mazury to participate in online course
3) Using materials to organize Training for companies form Warmia and Mazury

Specific Measures

1) One training program – online course prepared by BTH which all partners can use
2) Using different projects as an opportunity to organize phisical training based on materials prepared duting CTCC project

Measure Indicators

1) Number of participants who took part in online course
2) Number of participants who took part in phisical training

Risks & Assumptions

1) Problems with internet connection
2) Risk of lack of financing to prepare phisical training

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: Spreading knowledge and information obtained during the project in local institutions cooperating with companies.
Value: Spreading knowledge gained during internaltional workshops on regional level

Specific Objectives

Our organisation as a competence mobility center can support SMEs in innovation process and we can help find different companies with whom they can together cooperation not only in the country but also across the borders. Thanks to involvement and support of our organization SMEs will be able to develop their competences and contacts

Specific Actions

1) Meetings with companies interested in cooperation with SMEs form the same or different sectors
2) Organizing Business and Breakfast meetings twice per year as part of cooperation with EPT - Elbląg Technology Park, specific dates will be established in each year 2021-2025
3) Creating additional section on our website about Competence Center and Creative Brokers form Association -November 2020

Specific Measures

1) Promotion of event by website and social media of Association
2) Preparation photo documentation of the preparatory actions
3) Reports of 2 implemented B2B incl. visual, administrative & financial evaluation reports.

Measure Indicators

No. of meetings or no. of stakeholder which come to competence center

Risks & Assumptions

Risk connected with COVID-19, that people will be afraid to come to competence centers or each institution will be lock down.
To complete the task we can offer online meetings instead ot phisical meetings (if it will be needed)

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: Connecting companies from different sectors. During Yearly Entrepreneurship Contest (Hackathon) representatives of companies will develop joint prototypes in product, service or process field. They will also take part in integrated new educational and training course on creative entrepreneurship.;
Value: Promotion of creative and traditional sectors cooperation : Cooperation with Blue Science Park (e.g. yearly INNOVATION DAY that is held each year in May)

Specific Objectives

Involving entrepreneurs to participate in the contest (eg. Hackathons) prepared by partners. During contest SMEs will work on ideas of prototype: products / services / business models or improvement of organizational solutions. They will also take part in integrated new educational and training course on creative entrepreneurship. Develop more webinars and video channels to spurn interest.

Specific Actions

Coordinate with Blekinge Business Incubator and with Swedish Employment Agency Employees to prepare Yearly Contest. We can invite companies from Blekinge and Skåne regions to the Contest. We can take care of the promotion part of the event. Dissemination of leaflets and all needed information connected with contest.

Specific Measures

1) No. of contest - 5 (1 per year)
2) No. of created prototype ideas - minimum 5

Measure Indicators

1) Number of involved SMEs form Skäne, Blekinge and Småland
2) Number of prepared promotional posts in social media and at our website - 4 per each contest (e.g. Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and webpage)

Risks & Assumptions

We need to remember about risk planning, e.g. COVID-19 and we should take into account three possible options: physical, online or hybrid (combined) contest. The Focus will be more on online and hyrbid.

Purpose & Value Generation

Purpose: Designing changes for different environments and communities:
1) we can be a contact platform
2) Universities as factories for business ideas

Specific Objectives

Increase visibility of BTH and encourage partnerships between academia and companies so as to provide a space for testing and developing concepts within creative ideas for business.
Universities are a kind of brainstorming meetings within research clubs. Will coordinate with NetPort, Blue Science Park and Blekinge Busines Incubator to utilize synergies.

Specific Actions

Opportunities to work with local (Kommun level) and at regional (Lånd level) and strong facilitiies available from national level (Swedish national governmebt) in terms of funding and partnerships. Several existing and often competing platforms exist - objective to find a common ground for creative firms and traditional companies to develop new concepts.

Specific Measures

1) Minimum one thesis / project report development by a student in cooperation with supervisors from Creative Broker Network per semester
2) Dissemination of report / thesis via CTCC channels (Facebook, Instagram and website)

Measure Indicators

1) Master Thesis document / project report

Risks & Assumptions

1) Engaging students to include the concept of innovation design, Design Thinking, etc. into a thesis / project report is challenging if no experiences exist already (e.g. into the course on Decision Systems : DV2573)
2) Integration of external Creative Brokers can be rejected by the university

Purpose & Value Generation

1) To increase the knowledge and capacity in Creative Innovation and Design Thinking

1) Rising awareness of designing innovation as a process in a company
2) Students already increase knowledge and open mindset before they are entering the labour market and SMEs. In addition, very relative in developing IT solutions.

Specific Objectives

1) CTCC Workshop / Training methodology will be transferred to chosen teaching course at the university (e.g. Decision Support Systems - DV2573)
2) CTCC Online Course will be introduced and used as key part of (online) teaching courses such as
3) CTCC Online Course will be offered on universit ylearning platfrom to increase knowledge and allow studetns to achieve certification for upgrading their CVs before entering the labour market after studies possible platform will be integrating CANVAS with

Specific Actions

1) Training Methodology will be adjusted and transferred to students specific needs and knowledge by Creative Brokers (e.g. DV2573 course)
2) Training Content will be edited to be a stand-alone lecture (90min) in a curricula or as guest-speaker lessons or
3) Will use content from to the transfer of teaching to online classes at university, CTCC Online Course will be integrated easily to the lessons as mentioned under 1) and 2)
4) IT specific activities to include the Online Course to the E-Learning platform including certification process for students

Specific Measures

1) One lecture each semester based on the CTCC training methodology
2) Number of passing students for online course including certification

Measure Indicators

1) Presentation files of lessons and visual documentation
2) Number of signed and submitted certificates to students (at least 5 per semester)

Risks & Assumptions

1) Low participation of students in Online Course due to decreasing promotion activities by the consoirtum
2) High diversity of online capacity building offers for students - high competition
3) It might be challenging to cooperate with responsible persons (mostly professors) for implementing CTCC content to their curricula or being invited as guest-speaker

Purpose & Value Generation

1) To spreading knowledge and information obtained during the project in local institutions cooperating with companies as part of Blekinge Institute of Technolgy

1) Spreading knowledge gained during internaltional workshops on regional level. Facilitator for transnational and interdisciplinary cooperation for regional companies - reducing their obstacles for internationalisation

Specific Objectives

1) Our university can support SMEs in the process of innovation and match them with other companies or with Creative Brokers. We can act as contact point for regional SMEs and stakeholders for innovative and sustainable development as well as international cooperation of Creative and Traditional Sector
2) Fostering future cross-border and interdisciplinary cooperation of SMEs and Creative by incorporating regional and local authorities such as Chambers of Commerce, Business Support Organisation and political level

Specific Actions

1) Dissemination and marketing of CTCC project results with strong focus on regional SMEs to further rise attention and awareness of the topic
2) Blekinge Institute of Technology to update strategy and to continue to be a focal poing for SMEs and others to contact
3) Leverage with other running project to identify synergies so as have more involvement with regional SMEs, political level and authorities
4) Participation and Representation in regional events (online and physical) such as Innovation Day at Blue Science Park that is held yearly in May.
5) Sharing knowledge with Chambers of Commernce and Business Support Organisation as facilitators to the regional SME network

Specific Measures

1) Press releases with BTH (Blekinge Institute of Technology) as contact point for international cross-border cooperation. Promotion of events by website and social media, i.e. Facebook
2) Strategy Guide to be developed and pubklished on institutional website using video documentation of the actions
3) Using and referring to CTCC results in line with other INTERREG project such as Connect2SmallPorts and SECMAR !

Measure Indicators

1) Monthly press release via social media and website with focus on Blekinge Institute of Technology as competence center and facilitator
2) News and press releases via other projects to create synergies. Hold seminars and or webinars (COVID-19)
3) Incorporating CTCC sessions to other project events at least once a year, such as in Connect2SmallPorts

Risks & Assumptions

1) Risk connected with COVID-19, that people will be afraid to come to competence centers or each institution will be lock down. Much competition in Sweden in from other organisations offering assistance. Regional SMEs mainly use Chambers of Commerce to search for cooperation possibilities, therefore, it is important to address close cooperation with the chambers
2) Interreg projects will close in the next year, new call / new projects are not ensured at this moment to be used for keeping the results sustainable