On 12th of January 2021, we as project hosted our online conference on the Creative Broker Network as well as a selection of the developed prototypes in the CTCC project. Furthermore, we witnessed an inspiring presentation of our key-note speaker Jurgis Didziulis on creativity.
In total, nearly 400 people joined our online event directly as Zoom participants or via our live-streaming on Facebook. After the event opening, our guest Jurgis – Eurovision song contest act for Lithuania in 2013 – talked about creativity in business culture, but also demonstrated how to experience creativity and be part of it using his musical talents. As a second key-note speaker, Dr. Monika Klein representing Media Dizajn from Szczecin, Poland introduced the audience to new views on our society and how creativity affects our decision making and prejudices.
Furthermore, nine out of the 34 developed prototypes were shortly presented to the audience in cooperation with the prototyping companies. Short pitches enabled discussion rounds and reflections on the work done in the CTCC project.
If you have missed the conference – you can watch it on our workshop channel. The registration is completely free and offers the participation to our online course to you as well!